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Kithnen-English Dictionary

Akru- tear

Alitos- bear

Ama- mother

Ata- father

Atu- ever

Ba- about, of

Belas- apple

Beves- duck

Cileb- rib

Cevon- nine

CeXede- to want/wish

Cinas- moon

Cipayade- to have

Colev- purple

Comos- name

Coros- year

Corosem- spring

Corotor- winter

CorovoC- summer

Coroye- autumn

Covelq- orange

Covo- red

Cyeve- cheek

De- towards

Devek- tie (noun)

Donye- thank you

ECode- to act

Eguhede- to buy

Elet- world

Engu- lung

Enkos- thing/something (also means stuff when plural)

Enve- five

Ereges- light

Eret- dignity, worth

ErXa- brown

Eta- or

Etore- four

EXade- to meet

Eye- three

GaXai- equal

Gezede- to mess

Gi- I

Ginede- to know

Gihoto- might, power

Gormut- reason

Gunede- to come

GuneboXu- welcome (literally second-person plural passive form of word for come)

Ha- somewhat untranslatable, used when the speaker has a sudden realization 

Hebede- to give

HeCede- to do

Hed- good

Hedtero- goodbye

Helide- to pay

Heleg- black

Helqu- yellow

Heqede- to get

Herede- to bear, be born

HeXgyos- book

Hilos- money

Hilede- to sell

Hiyes- bee

Hoguhos- day

Hoguhon (Acc of day)- dawn

Hormut- ground, earth

Hovra- door

Hovut- death

Hude- to be

HugeX- daughter

Hugu- bow (weapon and accessory)

Hunu- son, child (gender-neutral/non-binary)

Husudode- to hoard

HyeCede- to go

HyeX- bone

Idan- since

Inevos- knee

Kara- sheep

Karas- goat

Karan (acc of sheep)- wool

Karata- lamb

KeCid- skin

Keva- sky

Kevede- to show

Kevek- high

KeXa- important, heavy

Key- why

Ki- it, that, gender-neutral pronoun

Kida- hatred

Kide- poop

Kieto- white

Kis- when

Kithnen- name of language

Kito- eight

Kivoga- neighbor

Ko- where

Kod- what

Kovulo- wolf

Kovulos- dog

Koros- worm

Kos- who

Ksena- milk

Ksenes- cattle of all types

Ku- how

Kyara- head

Kye- she

Kyom- ten

Lay- hello

Leqtos- blood

Leve- blue

Lina- elbow

Maihile- valuable (second mai when more valuable)

Mana- leg

Manas- foot

Marita- ant

Maya- much, a lot 

Mehile- expensive

Mivede- to need

Mo- no, not

Mosutade- to remove

Moxra- arm

Moxras- hand 

Negura- kidney

Nonos- man/human

Noyugos- snow

Od- water

Odas- river

Odvesos- any alcoholic beverage

Okuta- night

Okutan (Acc of night)- evening

Okuta Hed- good night

OnyuXus- tongue, language

Pelede- to sleep

PeXe- food

Peyis- fish

Poto- nephew

Praya- friend

Prem- for

Ptomi- seven

Pura- because

Pyes- liver

Qaneb- navel, belly button

Qero- eagle

Qegitos- right

Qimos- shoulder

QiXa- woman

Qo- eye

Qongo- nail

Qunta- tooth

Qurus- brow

Rehade- to breathe

Req- green

ReXe- brother/non-binary sibling

ReXetstu- brotherhood

RiXo- free

Sa- they

Sem- only (noun/adjective)

Seme- one

Semnonos- any, anyone

Sekude-  to see

Sidos- nest

Smek- taste

Sutade- to move

Te- if

Tekyoy- home

Tenas- mouth

Tesa- last (final/previous)

TeXos- stone

Ti- and

Tosa- stranger, also used as adjective for anything unfamiliar

Traba- village

Tselede- to steal/take

Ugdi- consciousness

Umeges- smoke

Upa- above

UreXes- root

Uz- you (plural)

Vala- mind, soul

Ve- we

Vese- sister

Veki- six

Vidu- tree

Viduv (plural of tree)- forest 

VoC- two

VoColis- second (noun)

Voya- egg

Voydos- sweat

Xade- beard

XekeX- island

Xel- all

Xen- nose

Xentos- other (noun/adjective)

Xenus- goose

Xerkos- arrow

Xetos- star

Xevaras- fire

Xolen- sun

Xoryos- corn

Xovos- ear

Xu- you

Xunu- mouse

Yabade- to keep

Yara- heart

Ye- he

Yepede- to live

Yek- here 

Yevon- usual/frequent/general

Yoros- horse

Zuku- before, ago

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